Monday, April 25, 2005


So I decided that I finally had enough time to write an entry into this blog - actually I did try and write some entries last week, but my computer decided that it didn't really want to allow me into my blog, and so my thoughts just had to stay in my head. Oh well, now I'm here! And yes, it is most definitely raining outside but I decided that I could go studying anyway, and now my papers are all lying out on the table to dry! So five exams done with and only one more to go, wow am I ever excited! Oh yes, the other day I saw this chipmunk sitting on a tree branch and he decided to start eating a nut and I got to watch the shell come flying off of it and then he started eating it and I just stood there and stared at him, so funny to watch!

Anyway, I was reading in Romans 11 the other day and I read something that I've never really thought of before...vs.11 talks about how his purpose was to make salvation available to the Gentiles, and then the Jews would be jealous and want it for themselves. And then vs.17 says that some of the branches from Abraham's tree, some of the Jews, have been broken off. And the Gentiles, who were branches from a wild olive tree, have been grafted in. So now the Gentiles can also receive the blessing God has promised Abraham and his children....which is really neat, but the part in verse 24 really caught my attention when it says that God was willing to take us (Gentiles) who were by nature branches from a wild olive tree and graft us into his own good tree - a very unusual thing to do. Then I read Romans 12:1-2 after this and wow it changed the way I read it, because God grafting us in is such an usual thing to do, like taking a wild branch and bringing it into a well manicured tree, and then in Romans 12 it talks about giving our bodies as living and holy sacrifices...for when we think of what he has done for us, is this too much to ask? Yeah I just thought that was so true, after thinking of all God has done for me, like grafting me into his own tree, is it really too much of him to ask me to give him my body as a living sacrifice?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so umm the chickmunk so funnlly cute up there eating i would stop and watch him too and then laugh me head off at it and say "so cute"
i seen a mountian chickmunk on the top of mountian that I on (so awesome up there, T.bay's beauty does not compare with that of winnipeg ha ha). SO he was hoppen around, cute litte guy. ha ha ha I have mountians and you guys in M.B don't, well i mean there's speed bumbs.
and God chose the Jews because they were the weakest of all people. He did this to show Him self but for Him to do this with the Jews is just as amazing as doing it for the gentiles. Peter said in Acts "I now have now learned that GOD has no favourites" just who is willing and has a heart for GOD, then GOD does crazy things. so totally awesome. booom

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there.
I really enjoy reading your blog, I happened upon it when I was bored and clicked on "laurel hubick" on my brother's blog's profile page.
I am sorry if i seem like a weirdo.
But i just want to say that i can see your love for Jesus, and would like to tell you that you encourage me to read the Word more.
ARE you a nursing student?
I am too. i live in Ontario.

God bless,
i don't have a blog, but I have a blurty:

11:50 AM  

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