Sunday, March 13, 2005


Ok so I really have not written in a very long time...oh well, I guess that's what happens when I have many exams that never seem to end - it's almost summer! That is one exciting thought, but then I was remembering that I still need to see the beauty of today, I still need to live in the present and enjoy today, since that is what I have been given. After all, if I just live dreaming about the future or longing for the past, then I never live in the present, and then I'm not really living. So thank you Jesus so much for this day that I have been given, please help me to make the most of it and enjoy it - yeah to take each day as it comes and not get stressed out about all the exams that are coming up next week...because when my exams are done and I look back on the days that I just lived through, I don't want to think oh wow those were such a waste, but now that my exams are over I can really start living - no I want to really start living now, in the middle of my exams and getting stressed out - learning to go to Jesus and let Him give me rest.

Yeah and I was reading in Genesis 21:19 where it says, "Then God opened Hagar's eyes, and she saw a well." This is at the time in Hagar's life when Abraham had sent her and her son Ishmael into the wilderness. Hagar did not have any water left to give Ishmael, so she had put him under a tree while she walked further away, since she did not want to watch him die of dehydration. And that's when God opened her eyes and she saw a well - I thought that was so crazy! The well could have been there the whole time and she could have just been walking around, oblivious to the very thing that brought renewed life to her and her son. So then I was thinking, what do I not see as I live my life everyday, is there something that I am looking for that is actually right there in front of me and I just don't see it? Jesus would you please open up my eyes to see the world the way you see it - I want to be your hands and feet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

rachael, you're the best! thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here. yeah, we totally need to live today. i've been waiting for summer, but i agree with you. i don't want to look back at this and think it's all a waste. thank you Jesus! (and thank you Jesus, for rachael!)

6:51 AM  

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