Monday, January 24, 2005

Chipmunk season!

Wow it's been such a long time since I've written in this here blog...yeah it seems like I've been saying that in the past few blogs as well - oh well, I can finally walk outside again so I'm definitely enjoyint that. I actually saw 2 of those little chipmunks today, the first one drew attention to himself by shaking some snow off of the tree and then I sure did see him even though he tried to run away really fast! Hmm, the life seen through a chipmunk's eyes must be pretty interesting, like I wonder what their priorities are...finding nuts, keeping them away from other chipmunks, chasing other chipmunks, scolding the people who would dare walk through their me!

Anyway I was reading in Genesis 22 where Abraham's obedience was tested, and in verse 18 it says, "and through your descendants, all the nations of the earth will be blessed - all because you have obeyed me." That is so huge, what if he hadn't obeyed God, would there have even been the nation of Israel? Yikes, totally makes me want to obey God right when I know He' s asking me to do something...can you imagine? An entire nation was blessed and continues to be even now, all because of Abraham's obedience to God. So what could happen in my life, if we continuously obeyed God no matter what the cost? I would love to find out!


Blogger Stephanie said...

The rewards (eternal rewards for sure!) of being obedient would be amazing! I can't even imagine! I'm reading this book called "Rees Howells Intercessor" and I just finished the part (when I was riding on the reading on the bus!) where the Holy Spirit tells him that he has to make the decision to live a fully submitted life for Jesus by 6:00 pm and that the opportunity, should he say no, would never come again to live a life so committed. He said YES to this life at 5:59 and supposedly his life was amazing!! I haven't got that far in the book to find out. He had such amazing communion with God during his earthly life! So amazing! (I hope that brief description made sense?)
Love you Rae!

7:04 AM  

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