Thursday, December 30, 2004


Hmmm, it's raining ice and I am eating peppernuts - wow those are so good, and the dough is even better! Anyway, I've been home now for eight days and it's so nice. I got a camera for Christmas, which I am really excited about since mine broke last February, so I have been photo deprived.

But yeah I'm listening to this song that talks about life and how we try to fill our lives with material things like a car, nice house, fame, money...etc, but yet they don't fulfill us, and in the end it's only God who can complete us. Yeah so definitely something for me to work on that's for sure, sometimes it's hard not to get caught up in the world and what it values, part of being in the world but not of it, I guess. If we're living for Jesus, then we're foreigners, strangers on this earth anyway huh? Now to live that we go! You are entering the mission field now.


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