Wednesday, December 15, 2004

A caterpillar in my green pepper?!

So yesterday as I was getting ready to come back to the city, I decided to cut my very nice looking green pepper in half so that I could give half to my mom...imagine my shock when all of a sudden a caterpillar falls out and lands on my counter, oh yes, I was quite shocked! This caterpillar had made his home in my green pepper, hmm, can't say I would choose a green pepper for a home, but they sure do taste yummy! Anyway, I made my brother check out that green pepper because me and bugs aren't such great friends anymore.

I have been reading some interesting things in the devotional by Oswald Chambers entitled, "My Utmost for His Highest." Right now I'm on October 19, which is called 'The Unheeded Secret.' It was talking, about how we place so much emphasis on practical work and ministry in the church today, with endless activities and energies, but there is no private life with God. Chambers says that an active Christian worker too often lives to be seen by others, while it is the innermost, personal area that reveals the power of a person's life.

This being rooted and grounded in the Lord which comes from a private life with God is so important because then when hard times come in life, we will not snap, but instead remain firm - even though the private life with God is often seen as impractical. Yeah, so I definitely needed to hear that, because for most of my life I have been involved in many 'good' ministry things that required a lot of energy, not leaving very much time for my private life with God. I guess it goes to show me once again that the things people and world value are entirely different from what God values - the Upside-down Kingdom effect huh? So now the challenge for me is to continually bring Jesus into my life at all times, whether in school, doing homework, when I'm around people or when I'm alone, may my life be all for you Jesus, grounded in You and not in my ministry.


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