Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I went for a walk today after school, as I always do (or usually do!), except today it was to study for my computer quiz tomorrow. Usually I am studying for anantomy with my red duotang, so the people who usually see me walking with the red duotang must have been pretty confused - computer is pink! Anyway, there was the most amazing sunset today, I had forgotten that sunsets are so beautiful, even in winter - but then again, I guess it's not really winter yet either. Oh well, still was quite pretty!

And then I got caught in the dark since I was too busy 'studying' (aka, studying the sunset!), that I lost track of time and did another round of the park. So there I was, walking in the dark and I couldn't read my computer notes very well by the light of the streetlights. By the way, there is this one streetlight that either turns on or off every time I walk by it. Anyway, I was thinking about what the Christian life should be characterized by.

That verse in John 10:10 says that Jesus came to give life more abundantly. And then I was wondering what that would exactly look like. So I was reminded of Romans 8 where it talks about how we're supposed to live with the Holy Spirit controlling us. And if He controls us, will we not also demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit in our own lives (Galatians 5:22-23). Going back to Romans 8, it says that the Holy Spirit inside us (if we have accepted Jesus into our lives) has made our spirits alive, and so we will live eternally.

So what is life? As John 14:6 says, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. So Jesus is life, when I have Jesus I have life, I have the Holy Spirit inside of me who produces fruit in my life, and if I am led by the Spirit of God, then I am also a child of God (Romans 8:14). And if I am a child of God, I can call him my Father. True life = eternal life, forever. Okay so that's the Sunday school answer I guess, but when this makes its way from my head to my heart...life overflowing!


Blogger Jen said...

Ah! I can't believe you posted an entry without me have to bug you about it! I'm outright shocked! Anyway...good times. bananananana phone.
keep at it ;)

9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you bless me. thanks so much for sharing your thoughts that have gone from your head to your heart. Jesus is speaking to you everyday - thanks for speaking it into our lives as well!!
i love you rae! be blessed!

7:11 AM  

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