Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The Beauty

My Women's Studies class is very interesting...most people hate it and others tolerate it - I actually enjoy it. It makes me think critically and wow have I ever learned so many new things that I never knew before. Today we watched this movie from 1995 that was called Slim Hopes. It was all about how advertising has succeeded in making our culture obsessive about being thin. One fact that blew me away was that the number one wish of all adult women and teens surveyed was to change their weight.

So why is society like this? What is actually a healthy body devoid of any advertising influences? The movie said that only 5% of the population actually comes by the 'model' body naturally, and now they can create models via computers without even having a real human model present. Why do is our identity so centered on what we look like, why are our thoughts so consumed with the outward appearance?

I was asking myself why I wanted to be like that model, and I realized it was because she was beautiful, and why do I want to be beautiful? Isn't that the question that all women ask themselves - Am I beautiful? And I think it all relates to God and how He created us, if any of you have ever read Wild At Heart by John Eldridge, it talks about how God created women to be the beauty, whereas the question guys always ask is 'Am I a man.'

Am I beautiful - are you beautiful? In the eyes of God for sure, since He created you and I...but in our own eyes the response tends to be quite different. Beauty is fleeting...if it's only skin-deep anyway, eternal beauty, now that lasts forever!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks rae!
you are a blessing - you really are!
thank you jesus for rachael :)

2:36 PM  

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