Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Do you ever wonder what exactly they put in bubblegum? I know they have the ingredients on the back, but I still wonder if there is such as a gum tree and if people can actually just take some gum out of the tree and chew it. When I was in grade 11 I had to do a powerpoint presentation, and I chose to do it on the history of gum, so really I should know all the answers to my own questions. Anyway, I went to Superstore yesterday and bought some Bubblicious gum, and then I started thinking, what if I would blow a really big bubble and then take it out of my mouth and freeze it...would the bubble shatter later on if I touched it when it was frozen?

Last year I was in a discipleship program called Master's Commission which was through the church, Calvary Temple, which is in downtown Winnipeg. Anyway, I lived in Charleswood with a lady last year, the people we lived with were called Home Openers and they let us live in their houses for free and also provided us with food. So Charleswood is quite a ways away from Calvary Temple, so I got to ride the bus many minutes and hours out of my day. I never thought I would miss riding the bus though, but today I saw one and all the memories came back.

And I realized that a bus, just as with the rest of life is all what I make of it, what my perspective is...and seemingly negative things can actually turn out to be the best things in life - on the bus I ended up meeting this lady who I talked to everyday, and she even did my hair and make-up for grad because she used to be a hairdresser. Yeah, and has anyone else ever noticed that people look a lot more scary when they're not talking and just kind of staring off into space?


Blogger Jen said...

Hm, I'm thinking it's about time for Rae to have a new entry..hmmmm? Distracted much?

12:56 PM  

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