Monday, October 18, 2004

Music and Women

I am learning so many new things in my Women's Studies class, things that I have never even thought of before. I have to watch a bunch of music videos for a group project and discuss how race, class, gender and sexuality are seen in the make-up of the videos. So now I see some of life in terms of the unequal power relation between men and women, I see patriarchy and its effects present in the music videos, the female diva singing and acting within this structure without seeming to notice she is caught in its trap.

So weird, I grew up in Winkler thinking all was pretty much ok with the world, only to realize how much I was sheltered from, which does not necessarily have to be a bad thing while growing up, since little kids are so easy to influence. But to live in total oblivion to issues the world is dealing with, on the verge of transition and redefining concepts and institutions that used to be so concrete and devoid of any challenge, like live only seeing one side of things is something that I would never wish on anyone, only experiencing half of life.

Anyway, whether or not this made sense, I am finding out more and more that I have no idea who I am becoming or even who I was - but I sure am glad that I don't have to be in control of my own life because then it's like hello stress...I give it to you Jesus, this life is all for you anyway!


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