Thursday, December 16, 2004


Guess what I did today? That's right, I walked around and around in circles, each of which took me about 45 minutes. See, the park that I always go walking in while I study takes about 45 minutes for me to go around once, and yes, the perimeter walk of the park does go in a circle. And oh my do I ever laugh at those little chipmunks! They look so funny when they decide to scold me for walking through their territory - as if I would steal all their nuts that they have stored up for winter somewhere! Did you know that after a chipmunk scolds you, they make some very high pitched squeaks? Sure reminds me of the chipmunk language they learned on 'The Emperor's New Groove!'

Anyway yes, today I also read the book of Jude - probably the first time I've read it in the New Living version, and wow did that ever make me think. In Jude 5 it says, "I must remind you - and you know it well - that even though the Lord rescued the whole nation of Israel from Egypt, he later destroyed every one of those who did not remain faithful." So that verse just made me think once again about that whole debate with the 'once saved, always saved' issue. I had never really made the connection before, like yeah, the Lord did rescue the whole entire nation of Israel, but all those who did not remain faithful were, am I faithful to my Lord?


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