Sunday, January 09, 2005

The Star

So I was reading in Matthew 2 the other day, and I realized that the wise man followed the star to the stable in Bethlehem where Jesus was born - like the star actually moved! Wow that is so neat, can you imagine just riding on your camel one day and all of a sudden you see this super bright star just blinking at you, waiting for you to abandon your common sense and just trust its guiding light? And then that star would lead you to the manger of the One who took the sin of the entire world upone Himself - wow once again. That is so huge, kind of like how God led the Israelites in a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud when they were fleeing from Pharoah - once again, God led them. Wasn't there another time when God led His people by guiding them in a moving earthly object? I can't think of it right now...

Anyway, my friend bought me this amazing cactus the yesterday for my Christmas present, and it's even in a desert looking container with a sunset on it! Actually, there's a tall cucumber looking cactus, and a smaller green pepper looking one, and then a pokey little pinecone looking one with a red flower thing on top of it. So does anyone have any good names that I could bestow on these fine looking cacti?! Yeah so I used to have a cactus when I was younger, but it died because I didn't water it enough - kind of a scary thought I know! Oh well, I'll water this one more often...I just remembered that I heard someone saying they ate cactus one day, must have been a weird taste - that is now going on my list of 100 things I want to do before I die.

Have a great day and God bless you so much, may you realize and walk in His presence every moment of every day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you rachael. thank you for telling me about your cacti and your journey with God. thank you for being a blessing. and i think a good name for a cactus would be spike. my creative juices are running fairly low right now.... :)

12:36 PM  

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