Saturday, February 12, 2005

Star Light, Star Bright

Yeah I'm finally at home and now I can write again! So the last two weeks were filled with exams and studying and walking in the park for me. But I did hear the birds, that was one exciting thing - and then Jen my roommate took me out for my birthday to Montana's; they made me wear this funky hat with these big horns (I'm sure some of you have had the joy of this experience as well!) and then I had to stand on this chair in the middle of the restaurant and they of course had to get the attention of the entire restaurant...oh such a traumatic experience. No actually it was quite fun actually, and then yesterday I got to go glow bowling with my family from 10:30pm till midnight - oh so much fun, but no turkey for me! In bowling language, a turkey means three strikes...but one day it shall happen! Anyway, thanks to all those of you who made my day special - and I also realized something about myself, I totally don't like telling people it's my birthday, like if they don't know, I'll usually just leave it that way...going to figure out why that is now...

Oh yeah, I started reading in Psalms again, and wow I have not been there for far too long! There's this super neat verse in Psalm 104:2 where it says that God stretches out the starry curtain of the heavens, and I had read somewhere that the stars allow pieces of God's glory to shine through - and now I found the verse for it! So neat, that the stars are the curtain for heaven't glory, I sure do like those stars - and isn't is so neat that God has a name for all of them?! Well then, to wish upon a star is to wish upon heaven's glory, and since it is Jesus that makes heaven glorious in the first place...hmm yeah, time to go for a walk now!


Blogger Stephanie said...

Hey Rae! Remember that time I came over to your house with my fam and we went for a walk around Winkler and I was in my baseball uniform because all of my other clothes were in the laundry!??! That was such a long time ago...and quite hilarious now that I think about it! Man, I would love to go for a walk with you one day soon! Wanna make a date? I'm having a missing-camp-moment.
Happy be-lated! (did you read my happy birthday post to you?!?)

6:58 AM  

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