October and Isaiah
Alright so I figured that I had better blog one last time before the end of October 2004 - isn't it weird? This day will never come again, neither will this hour or even this moment in time, hmmm, trying to remember to see the beauty of now and not letting the future overwhelm me. The future does tend to make my mind spin when I think ahead to how many exams and assignments I have, but I finally realized this morning as I was in church that I can just focus on the present. Like when I'm at church, I can be fully there and fully focused on what's going on at that moment and not letting the future stress me out - learning to live in the present moment, if I only life for the future or remembering the past, then I never truly live at all, I only hope to live.
Anyway, tomorrow is my anatomy lab midterm and if any of you out there pray, could you please pray that I would remember what I need to know? So I'll be dreaming of muscle origins, insertions and actions in my sleep tonight! Do any of you know what an acetabulum is? It's where your femur (thigh bone) forms a joint with your os coxae - if that means any sense! So that's your anatomy lesson for today!
By the way, just wanted to mention that Isaiah 44:12-20 is absolutely hilarious! Well maybe not in the ha ha sort of way, but it totally demonstrates critical thinking in the Bible, or rather lack of it on the blacksmith's part. There's this blacksmith that goes and cuts down a tree in the forest and uses half of the tree to roast his supper over. With the other half of the tree he carves out an idol and worships it, which is so crazy because he never stops to reflect that he just burned half of that tree for his supper - and now he' s worshipping the other half of it...obviously it's just a dead chunk of wood! He can not bring himself to ask "Is this thing, this idol that I'm holding in my hand, a lie?"
Wow, that totally made me think, what am I putting before God, what am I worshipping, or rather, what or who do my actions say that I worship? I can say that I worship God above all else, but really, where do I spend the most of my time and devotion? School, friends, doing good things...how passionate am I actually about developing my relationship with Jesus and spending time just getting to know Him and be in His Presence? Yeah, super good question I'd say - gotta go and think about that one now...hmmm, to spend my time on the things that last for eternity, in this world but not of it. What does that all look like in my life?