Monday, April 25, 2005


So I decided that I finally had enough time to write an entry into this blog - actually I did try and write some entries last week, but my computer decided that it didn't really want to allow me into my blog, and so my thoughts just had to stay in my head. Oh well, now I'm here! And yes, it is most definitely raining outside but I decided that I could go studying anyway, and now my papers are all lying out on the table to dry! So five exams done with and only one more to go, wow am I ever excited! Oh yes, the other day I saw this chipmunk sitting on a tree branch and he decided to start eating a nut and I got to watch the shell come flying off of it and then he started eating it and I just stood there and stared at him, so funny to watch!

Anyway, I was reading in Romans 11 the other day and I read something that I've never really thought of before...vs.11 talks about how his purpose was to make salvation available to the Gentiles, and then the Jews would be jealous and want it for themselves. And then vs.17 says that some of the branches from Abraham's tree, some of the Jews, have been broken off. And the Gentiles, who were branches from a wild olive tree, have been grafted in. So now the Gentiles can also receive the blessing God has promised Abraham and his children....which is really neat, but the part in verse 24 really caught my attention when it says that God was willing to take us (Gentiles) who were by nature branches from a wild olive tree and graft us into his own good tree - a very unusual thing to do. Then I read Romans 12:1-2 after this and wow it changed the way I read it, because God grafting us in is such an usual thing to do, like taking a wild branch and bringing it into a well manicured tree, and then in Romans 12 it talks about giving our bodies as living and holy sacrifices...for when we think of what he has done for us, is this too much to ask? Yeah I just thought that was so true, after thinking of all God has done for me, like grafting me into his own tree, is it really too much of him to ask me to give him my body as a living sacrifice?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


All righteo, so tonight our homegroup went to Union Gospel Mission to help serve the meal and to chop up all of these onions and fruit, actually chopping up food is quite fun, especially if you have people to sing with you while you're doing it! So I have been inspired by Marcia to start writing in my blog a little bit more often, guess I've been doing other things walking in my park!

So here's the story about my park...two days ago I went walking and found out that it was slightly flooded, which ended up in my shoes getting really wet! Then yesterday I was smart and wore my rubber boots which decided to give me blisters - I guess they weren't made to be worn for long periods of time! And so I got to splash through puddles and squish through the mud - oh it sure made me laugh out loud so many times! Yup, my chipmunks are back - they were really playing tag a lot today, and chattering at me of course, scolding me just in case I might even think of stealing their peanuts!

But anyway, thank you so much Jesus for this amazing weather, you are so good...I was just reminded of this quote from Blessed Child by Bill Bright and Ted Dekker:

"The greatest differency between present-day Christianity, and that of which we read in these letters (of the New Testament), is that to us it is primarily a performance; to them it was real experience. We are apt to reduce the Christian religion to a code or, at best, a rule of heart and life. Perhaps if we believed what they believed, we could achieve what they achieved." (Actually that quote was by JB Phillips in his introduction to his New Testament translation).

Hmm, that has definitely been true of me, I sometimes read the stories of the miracles that Jesus and his disciples did while viewing them only as stories, the meaning of what they are actually doing doesn't always sink into my heart...but I want to much more than a religious code, rules for life, I want to believe what they believed - wow, they actually saw Jesus and heard him speak, but I have his words right here in front of me and His Spirit inside of me:

John 14:12 says "The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father."

So yeah, to remember that a changed heart is just as much of a miracle as seeing someone healed of a physical disease or ailment...Jesus would you teach me about what it really means to believe in you, to let you outside of the box that contains my present understanding of you - I want so much more, have your way in me...whatever that means (yikes that's a scary prayer)!

Monday, April 04, 2005

My park has flooded!

So my park is now under water - I was walking up the bikepath and was about to go down the hill when I realized that there is now a river flowing over my path and yikes, that is some muddy water! Then I had to get creative and make my own paths all over these hills where the dogs are allowed to run without their leashes on...oh to be a dog and not care if my feet (or paws) are getting wet from the soggy ground...but thank you Jesus that I can still walk through half of the park, it's not all flooded. It's kind of crazy, because without my park I really do not know how I would study at all...and today there were many chipmunks who decided they should scold me, just in case I might think about stealing all of their peanuts!

And yes, I've been reading in Romans 6-8 lately and there's this little sequence thing that formed in my the law no longer holds me in its power because I died to its power when I died with Christ on the cross (Rom.7:4). But then I find out that sin took advantage of this law and aroused all kinds of forbidden desires within me...and if there were no law, sin would not have that power (Rom.7:8). So then I realize that the law is good, but the trouble is with me, since I am sold into slavery with sin as my master. No matter which way I turn, I can't make myself do right. I want to, but I can't (Rom.7:18). But then I realize that there is no condemnation for me if I belong to Christ Jesus, for the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed me through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death (Rom 8:1-2)! And so I have no obligation whatsoever to do what my sinful nature urges me to do, for if I keep following it, I will perish; but if through the power of the Holy Spirit I turn from my sinful nature and its evil deeds, I will live (Rom. 8:12-13)! That is so exciting - thank you so much Jesus that I can live in your freedom!