Friday, May 27, 2005

Chocolate Chip Cookies!!

Ok so I'm baking cookies while I am supposed to be studying - yup that means that I am definitely studying very hard. So my Statistics midterm is on Tuesday and I basically have today till 5pm and Sunday to study, since I'm working all of the other days. For those of you who don't know yet, I'm working at Canadian Tire full time now as a cashier, and I'm actually starting to like it more now than I did at the beginning - maybe I'm just starting to know some things and not just have to ask questions all the time!

But yeah, today I went to the dentist - I actually like going to my dentist because I always get the same dental hygenist - for like three years in a row now - and we always talk about life and stuff...yeah and plus I get to have fluoride in my mouth, which is very exciting now that I know what it does! Apparantely in my microbiology class I learned that fluoride treatments change the ph of the enamel on your teeth so that the bacteria that cause cavities are not able to stick to your teeth so easily and then it's harder for them to cause cavities...which they do by secreting lactic acid (or some sort of acid!) onto your teeth! Anyway, that's enough microbiology for one day, maybe tomorrow I'll think of something else that I learned throughout this year at school.

Ok so my beeper is going for my cookies now, so I should go and do something about that...but I sure am learning that life is a lot about my attitude and what I make of the circumstances that I find myself in. I always keep thinking of Paul in the Bible and how he had learned the secret of being content in every circumstance, and how he didn't let his outside circumstances determine or change who he was inside because he was stable and content in who God had made him to be...yeah so even when I'm at work and not really enjoying it sometimes I am learning that if I choose to see past my circumstances and focus on Jesus or just on loving people and actually start thanking God for what I have in my life instead of complaining about it in my head, then my day is so much better! But yeah, still working on that one, not always the easiest thing to do, that's for sure! All righteo those cookies of mine need to come out of that oven now...oh so good, chocolate chips!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

It's Raining!

So I woke up to the thunder and wow did that ever make me smile! I love thunder storms, even more so when there is some zig-zag lightening involved! Yeah so I was thinking of going puddle jumping and maybe collecting some worms so that I can go fishing yet one day - just joking, actually I have never fished with worms before, but maybe one day!

This last week was so hard for me because all of the jobs that I thought I had kind of ended up falling through, and then I had to decide whether or not to do my summer course and so I was slightly a little stressed out, well maybe not really stressed, but I sure had a lot to think about. And then one day at 4am all of my posters that I have in this collage decided to fall down and wake me up, which of course meant that I couldn't fall asleep anymore, and ended up thinking more...and then I remembered something that Pastor Mark from Church of the Rock had said last week - he wasn't really even talking about this specifically, but sometimes the Holy Spirit teaches me things through the pastor's words that speak specifically to something I'm going through in my life, and no one else really hears that message but I do - ever had that experience before? Yeah well the message I got was that God sees the big picture and I don't - something I have heard many times before, but yeah I forget things and so now I'm finally realizing that God can see the big picture of my life.

And I sure don't have to worry or think about how I don't really have a job (actually one starts next week, but if only has a few hours) and yeah, now I'm realizing that He's really looking out for me because at this point in my life I couldn't be working crazy amounts of hours and still be spending as much time on my summer course as I would want to - so why do I ever worry? Yup once again, what a good question, sure does not help anything at all - thank you Jesus that you see every detail of my life and you know what I need even before I do.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Summer courses...

Yikes what am I doing to myself, do I really want to take a summer course? That is the question of the day, to take Stats now or next year during the evening when there is only a limited space available because of the crazy nursing scheduled courses...hmmm, well I guess I start today, and the rides are all planned so it appears that I am going. Oh well, it will probably be good once I get out to the University, I guess I haven't done math in a while - my plan is to do all of my homework while lying on my trampoline in the back when the sun is shining and get a tan while falling asleep on my textbook - yeah!

But this summer has taught me so much already, even though I have only been home for three days yet - my final exam was last Wednesday and then I went to Camp Arnes from Thursday till Saturday, because one of my friends from Master's Commission has been on staff there for the past year - oh it was amazing, I would love to work there, always outside...and we rode horses (oh yes and I learned how to post while trotting...well kind of learned!) and did you know that pools have vacuum cleaners - I sure didn't, but I learned how to do that too! Anyway, unpacking has been interesting, I'm learning how to throw things away, and to realize that if I don't do something now, like go through that box, I'll have to do it later anyway, so I might as well just do it now.

And then so crazy, because on Sunday our pastor in church talked about exactly what I have been reading about in my Bible all of last week - like in Matthew 6:25-34 where it talks about not worrying, and how there is no amount of worry that can add to your life at all! Yes I have been thinking a bit (or more than a bit) about how I'm going to make all the money for school that I want to make this year, and I know God is asking me to trust seriously it's crazy, the birds do what He has created them to do, eat worms and build nests and God takes care of them, the lilies of the field are so beautiful, and consider the grass, how it complements everything around it - perfect. And it's my heavenly Father who cares for these things, not the birds heavenly Father - they don't have one. So how much more will my heavenly Father care for me, His child? Yes and so why do I worry? Hmmm...time to consider the birds and flowers and to get my focus off of myself and to think about His creation and other people, yes this life consists of more than just me and my thoughts and problems, Jesus would you give me your eyes to see out of, may my thoughts not just be looking inward but outward as well.