No homework!
Ok so it's about time that I posted, yeah life has a way of becoming really busy and then somehow I forget about writing in my to make life less bush? I guess it's hard in school, but even when school is finished, people always tell me that it only gets to be more busy, but I would love to avoid that if I could.
So clinical today was interesting, I'm learning a lot about IV medications and interesting medical conditions, I actually really like working at Children's hospital, but I realized that maybe I would want to work in palliative care or something like that where it's more focused on comfort care, like providing pain medication and talking with the patient and family a lot, knowing that the patient will eventually die and nothing more is being done to treat them aggressively and to cure them.
Right now the floor I'm on is an acute medicine floor, and I am learning a lot and probably I would enjoy it also (when I feel like I know more what I'm doing), but I also really like to talk with people and spend time with them...right now all I feel like I do is go into the patient's room and take their vital signs and give meds and then rush out and go to the next patient...when I would really love to just sit there and talk with them. And I actually did that today with my patient's grandmother and with my other patient who is a teenager, so that was a lot of fun, but I want more of that!
Anyway, I was reading something interesting in 1 Timothy 2:9, where it talks about how women should be modest and not draw attention to themselves by the way they do their hair or wearing gold pearls or wearing expensive clothes, and how they should learn quietly and submissively, not teaching men or having authority over them. I have heard many interpretations of this passage, but in my footnotes it was saying that to understand these verses we must understand the situation in which Paul (Paul is the author of 1 Timothy) and Timothy worked.
In first-century Jewish culture women were not allowed to study. So when Paul said that women should "learn quietly and submissively," he was offering them an amazing new opportunity to learn God's Word. They were to listen and learn quietly referred to an attitude of quietness, but not total silence. In addition, Paul acknowledges that women publicly prayed and prophesied (1 Corinthians 11:5). Paul also did not forbid women from ever teaching, Paul's commended co-worker, Priscilla, taught Apollos, the great preacher (Acts 18:24-26) and there were others who held positions of responsibility in the church, like Phoebe (Romans 16:1), Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa and Persis were the Lord's workers (Romans 16:6, 12), as were euodia and Syntyche Philippians 4:2).
Paul might have not wanted the Ephesian women to teach because they did not yet have enough experience or knowledge, and the Ephesian church also had a particular problem with false teachers. So basically, Paul was telling Timothy not to put anyone into a position of leadership who was not yet mature in the faith. Yeah, so I just thought that was really interesting...most of what I just wrote was from my footnotes in the New Living Translation Bible.
And so I have no homework today, and by that I mean, no homework that's due for tomorrow, although there is always homework that I could be doing! But oh well, enjoy the snow and make sure to smile at the chipmunks!