Sunday, June 19, 2005

I'm Done!

So now I am officially done all school for the summer! Yeah so good, I just finished my final exam yesterday, so now maybe I can have a life apart from school and work for two months! But it sure is only because of Jesus and his strength that I ever got through this whole last year and these last two months of doing summer school - learning how to trust him and not worry about marks and money for school....uh huh, and this morning there was even a thunder and lightening storm, oh so good, I really do enjoy those!

And today I get to go to Rock Lake and for the first time this year, so that means that we might be finding some mice in our trailer after winter...yes those little furry guys sure are interesting. Rock Lake is a Christian Enrichment Family Camp, and it's so amazing - they have different speakers coming every week during the summer, and wow have I ever learned so much about God from that place - yup there have been many times where my box of how I understand Jesus and relationship with him has been made bigger and wider, as I've experienced and seen and learned so many things there that I never have before. Yes Jesus, thank you for Rock Lake.

And so today I plan on swimming and reading and sleeping, three things I haven't done in far too long of a time. So enjoy that sunshine and kill those misquitos~